Asterisk w/ Band in Front
• Start with elastic band around your hands, arms straight in front of you, and elbows straight. Perform a chin tuck then separate both arms from each other by moving them in opposite diagonal directions (one arm goes up/out, the other goes down/out) (picture 1).
• Return to starting position, keep tension in the band, then repeat in the opposite format (so the arm that just went up/out now goes down/out).
• Return to starting position, then pull arms away from midline, straight out to the side. By the end, you will go three directions in the shape of an asterisk. Repeat this pattern, keeping chin tuck the entire time. 3 directions equals 1 rep. Perform 1 set of 15 repetition(s), twice a day.
Wall Diagonals w/ Band
• Place an elastic band around your hands, stand in front of a wall so that your palms are flat on the wall. Position hands so that one they are in a diagonal position to start. Step the top hand up and diagonally, and follow it with the bottom hand (picture 1).
Then move the bottom hand down and diagonally to the starting position, and follow it with the top hand.
• Repeat several times, then switch so the hands so that you have a diagonal in the opposite direction, and repeat. Maintain chin tuck the entire time. Perform 2 sets of 10 repetition(s), twice a day.
Wall Left<>Right w/ Band
• Place an elastic band around hands, stand close to the wall with your elbows bent and palms against the wall. Perform a chin tuck, then keep elbows bent as you walk arms sideways across the wall (picture 1).
• Take two steps to the right, then reverse and take two to the left. Keep tension in the band and maintain a chin tuck the entire time.
Perform 2 sets of 10 repetition(s), twice a day.
Shoulder Flexion with Resisted Serratus Activation
Description: Starting Position: Standing with a band looped around your wrists and your arms bent to 90 degrees. Movement: Perform the exercise by stretching the loop by moving your hands apart while keeping your elbows in. Try to keep your forearms parallel to each other. Slowly raise your arms from your shoulders to 90 degrees while keeping your elbows locked at 90 degrees. Then return to the starting position. Tip: Be sure to keep the band on tension the whole time. Repeat as prescribed.
Ball Arch Up
Description: Starting position is with shins on ball with arms and hands on floor supporting upper body in a quadruped position. Begin exercise by tightening abdominals, pushing ball back until legs are in a straightened position. Keeping legs straight roll ball back towards upper body while lifting hips and bending at the waist as high as you can go with control. Slowly roll ball back with straight legs until your body is straight again and perform specified number of repetitions. Maintain tight abdominals throughout exercise
Description:Hold a handle in each hand and step away from the anchor until the bands are in line with your forearms. Your feet will be about shoulder-width apart. Your arms will be at the sides of the body with a 90-degree bend in the elbow. Take a step backwards with one leg so that you create a 90-degree angle in the front and rear knees. Your arms will elevate, and elbows will extend as you perform the movement.Return to the starting position and repeat the movement on the same leg.
Chest Press
Description: place straps so handles hang about waist height, grab the handles while standing in a plank like position. Lean forward until the body is at a 40d angle. Arms extended straight and core tight. Bend at the elbows lowering your body until the chest reaches handle level in the center cable. Engage core and push yourself up to starting position.
Bird Dip
Description:Hold TRX handles with overhand grip and face away from anchor point. Adjust angle of body and body positioning so in standing plank position. Lean forward slowly until your head goes between handles and elbows are flexed. Start extending your arms to their full length. Don't flare elbows and maintain shoulder stability with exercise.
Description: Start with your knees, palms and forearms on the ground and your feet directly under the anchor point. Drive up into a plank with a solid core contraction. Your contraction should drive this movement. You’ll know that you are in the correct position when your ears, shoulders, hips, knees and ankles are all in line. This is the position you need to hold for the entire duration of this exercise.
Ice on Trap/LS
Description: In sitting position. Place ice pack between shoulder and neck. Turn head away from painful side. Tilt head downward toward the pit of the arm and apply additional stretch with arm.
Thoracic Extension
Description: In standing hold ball at chest level with hands on top of the ball. Lean forward and allow ball to roll up the wall while additionally walking your hands up. Allow momentum of forward lean to apply gentle stretch to back
Shoulder Abduction
Description: In standing, place ball on wall at chest level. Step to the side while ball rolls up to allow arm to rise in a lateral direction.
Shoulder Flexion
Description: In standing, place ball on wall at chest level. Step forward while ball rolls up to allow arm to rise in a forward direction.
Shoulder Wall Clocks
Description: Starting Position: Hold the ends of a band in both hands and stand facing a wall or a doorway. Place both hands in an outstretched position on the wall/doorway in front of you. Engage your lower abdominals by drawing in from below your belly button to maintain a neutral spine position. Contract your shoulder blade muscles to bring your shoulder blades in a down and in position to 'set' them. Movement: Hold one arm stationary as you draw the other arm outwards, following the "hours of a clock." As you are moving outwards along the different angled paths, work on keeping your mid and lower shoulder muscles engaged (upper shoulder more relaxed). Repeat as directed by your therapist.
Shoulder ER/Serratus Wall Walks with Resistance Band
Description: Starting position is standing in front of wall. Place resistance band around both wrists and put your forearms on the wall at head level. Begin exercise by rotating your arms out and putting tension on resistance bands. Slowly slide your forearms up in small movements alternating each arm until your elbows are slightly above your head. Return to starting position slowly in the same manner as you went up. Make sure to keep tension on the resistance band throughout the whole movement. Repeat for specified number of repetitions.
Self STM Lacrosse Ball Against Wall
Description: Put the ball below the area that is tight. Upper back should be against the wall while the legs and knees are forward. Bend and straigthen knees so that the ball moves up and down as you go up and down. This technique is used if you have tightness at the lower part of the neck and uipper part of the mid back. Perform 1 set of 10 repetitions, 4x a day.
Hip Flexor Release with Lacrosse Ball
Description: Lie down on your stomach, supporting your weight on your elbows, knees and feet. Position the ball just inside your hip bone and roll over the ball to massage the area, one side at a time. Spend 30-60 seconds in each tender area.
Calf Lacrosse
Description: Starting Position: While sitting on the floor, place a lacrosse ball under the middle of your calf. Movement: Roll the ball up and down the back of your lower leg to release soft tissue restrictions. Repeat on the other side. Tips: It will be less painful doing this with a foam roller or softer ball, such as tennis ball, at first. Bearing more weight in your hands and your opposite leg will help reduce the pressure on the ball to make this more tolerable as well.
Glute Mobilization
Description: Lay on your side with a supernova or softball in the side of your hip. Prop up your upper body with your forearm. Option 1: Bring your feet and knees together with a 90 degree bend at the knee. Leaving your upper foot on top of the lower, raise your upper knee away from the bottom leg and hold it there. Do several reps of bringing your lower knee up to the upper knee. Option 2: Place your upper foot onto the ground and bicycle kick the bottom leg.
QL Smash
Description: Starting Position: Sit on the floor approximately 1-2 feet away from the wall. Place a tennis ball or softball between the rib cage and the top of the pelvis, about 1-2 inches away from the spine. Movement: Slowly roll onto your back with your feet on the wall and knees bent. Gently bring the knees together and drive them gently to the side the ball is under
Prone Y T I on Ball
Description: Starting Position: Lie on your stomach on a physioball, keeping your chin tucked, head in a neutral position, core muscles engaged so as to keep your spine and pelvis in a neutral position. Bring your arms up so they are perpendicular with your body. Movement: Now bend at your elbows so that your forearms are pointing towards the floor. Keeping your elbows bent at 90 degrees and arms perpendicular to your body, squeeze your shoulder blades together, bringing your elbows up towards the ceiling. When fully lifted, slowly lower it back to the starting position. Repeat as directed
Ab Push Downs with Physio Ball
Description: Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the table. With the physioball resting on your stomach and thighs, place both arms on the ball. With both arms, push into the ball toward your knees while tightening your abs. Be sure that your back does not come off of the ground. Hold for 3 seconds, and then slowly return to starting position. Repeat as directed.
Prone Ws on Ball
Description: Starting Position: Lie on your stomach on a physioball, keeping your chin tucked, head in a neutral position, core muscles engaged so as to keep your spine and pelvis in a neutral position. Pinch your shoulder blades down and back, and bring your arms out to the side of your torso/hips. Leading with your elbows, bend them to 90 degrees so that now your arms form a 'W'. Movement: Pinch your shoulder blades in this position and then slowly lower your arms maintaining the 'W' arm position. Make sure that your arms upward so your palms are facing the floor, keeping your elbows bent. Do NOT shrug shoulders! Repeat for reps/sets as recommended by your therapist.
Prone Rows on Ball
Description: Starting Position: Lie on your stomach on a physioball, keeping your chin tucked, head in a neutral position, core muscles engaged so as to keep your spine and pelvis in a neutral position. Bring your arms up so they are perpendicular with your body. Movement: Now bend at your elbows so that your forearms are pointing towards the floor. Keeping your elbows bent at 90 degrees and arms perpendicular to your body, squeeze your shoulder blades together, bringing your elbows up towards the ceiling. When fully lifted, slowly lower it back to the starting position. Repeat as directed
Lacrosse Ball Deltoids
Description: Starting Position: Stand perpendicular to a wall, with your affected arm closest to the wall. Place a lacrosse ball on the side of your shoulder near the deltoid muscle. Engage your lower abdominals by drawing in from below your belly button. Movement: Roll the outer upper arm side to the back against the lacrosse ball against a wall for indicated amount of time.
Lacrosse Ball Posterior Shoulder/Cuff
Description: Starting Position: Stand with your back facing the wall. Place a lacrosse ball between the wall and the back of your shoulder. Engage your lower abdominals by drawing in from below your belly button to maintain a neutral spine. Movement: Roll the back of your shoulder blade and shoulder against the ball
Ball to Posterior Cuff with Cross Body Stretch
Description: Starting Position: Begin by placing a lacrosse ball on the muscular part of your shoulder blade directly behind your armpit, then leaning against the wall to put pressure on that area. Find a tight, sore spot to massage. Engage your lower abdominals by drawing in from below your belly button to maintain a neutral spine position. Movement: Once you find a tight part of muscle, use your other arm to pull the affected arm across your trunk into a stretch as you massage. Stretch as directed by your therapist.
Piriformis Release with Lacrosse Ball
Description: Lie down on your back over a lax ball with your knees bent. The ball should be under your buttocks. Roll over the ball to massage the area, one side at a time. Spend 30-60 seconds per tender area.
Ball on Wall
Description: Starting Position: Use a small ball and place it on the wall directly in front of you with your arm completely extended. Maintain a gentle push into the ball to hold it in place. Engage your lower abdominal muscles to keep your pelvis at neutral and your low back from arching. Movement: Keeping your elbow straight, press the ball into a wall and gently move your arm in small circles, both clockwise and counterclockwise as directed.
Shoulder Circles with Ball
Description: Starting Position: Begin standing with a physio ball in front of you on top of a table or chair. With your hand resting on the ball it should be about shoulder height. Movement: With control, slowly roll the ball in circles. Keep your back straight and your shoulder relaxed as you perform the exercise. Repeat as prescribed
Seated AROM Physio Ball Circles
Description: Begin seated and place involved hand on top of physio ball. Use the arm to be exercised to move ball in a circular pattern clockwise and counterclockwise keeping you arm straight. Repeat as prescribed
Shoulder Flexion AAROM with Ball
Description: Starting Position: Stand with top of ball at shoulder-height in front of you on table or counter. Movement: Gently roll ball forward and back to starting position. No pain should be experienced. Tip: Shoulder blades should be relaxed and not lifted up toward your ears.
Seated 3 Position Low Back Stretch
Description: Begin sitting in a chair with an exercise between your feet. Place both of your hands on the ball, and slowly roll the ball away from you by bending forward. Be sure to keep your arms and upper back straight. Return to starting position. Repeat as directed
Seated Low Back Stretch with Physio Ball
Description: Begin sitting in a chair with an exercise between your feet. Place both of your hands on the ball, and slowly roll the ball away from you by bending forward. Be sure to keep your arms and upper back straight. Return to starting position. Repeat as directed
Shoulder Abduction AAROM with Ball
Description: Starting Position: Stand with top of ball at shoulder-height at your side on table or counter. Movement: Use affected arm to gently roll ball out to the side and back to starting position. No pain should be experienced. Tip: Shoulder blades should be relaxed and not lifted up toward your ears.
Bridge with Ball
Description: Position: In hook lying position, (on your back with feet flat on floor/bed). Movement: Place both legs on Physio Ball, with ball underneath your calf muscles. Perform an abdominal brace and lift your hips off the table, trying to control the movement and keep your pelvis level. Return to starting position
Ball Hug
Description: Standing upright. Hold exercise ball as you are trying to give it a hug but without pressure. Rotate to the left and the right slowly. Do not push into pain unless directed by therapist.
Physio Ball Wall Squats
Description: Place the exercise ball on the wall and lean against it with the ball set at the level of your lower back. Your feet should be a little greater than hips width apart. Squat down on your heels by bending at your knees until 90 degrees of knee flexion. Make sure that your back maintains contact with the ball
Clamshells with Resistance Band
Description: Begin by lying on your side with the side you intend to exercise upwards with an exercise band tied around your thighs. With your knees bent and feet together, slowly pull your knees apart, keeping your feet together. Hold as directed. Slowly bring your knees back together. Repeat as directed.
Side Lying Hip Abduction with Resistance Band at Knees
Description: Begin by lying on your side with the side you intend to exercise upwards. Place resistance band around both legs just above your knees. Make sure to stay lying directly on your side and avoid rolling backwards. Keeping your knee straight, lift your upper leg up towards the ceiling. Avoid pointing your toes towards the ceiling by keeping the outside of your foot parallel with the floor. Slowly lower your leg back to the starting position. Repeat as directed.
Standing Hip Extension with Resistance Band.
Description: Begin standing with feet flat on ground and resistance loop wrapped around both ankles. While holding onto stable surface in front of you, lift the leg to be exercised backward while keeping the knee straight. Do not lean forward or arch your back. Slowly lower back to starting position. Repeat as directed.
Seated Marching with Band
Description: In sitting. Place loop band around both legs and slide band above knees. Lift leg upward.
Bridge with resisted Hip Abduction
Description: Begin by lying with knees bent, both feet placed on the floor shoulder width apart, arms at your sides and resistance band wrapped around your thighs. Raise your hips off the surface by squeezing your buttock muscles. Attempt to bring your hips up to where they are in line between the knees and shoulders. While holding this raised position bring legs apart by pressing against the band. Slowly bring knees back to starting position and lower hips back down to the bed. Repeat as directed.
Standing Hip Abduction with Resistance Band.
Description: Begin standing on flat ground and resistance loop wrapped around both ankles. Place one hand on a railing or piece of stable furniture for stabilization. Lift the leg to be exercised out to the side while keeping the knee straight and toes pointed forward. Be sure keep the trunk and pelvis pointed forward. Slowly lower back to starting position. Repeat as directed.
Standing Hip Flexion with Resistance Band.
Description: Begin by standing with a chair at your side, feet shoulder width apart, toes pointing forward and resistance loop wrapped around both ankles. While holding onto chair with single hand lift the leg to be exercised forward while keeping the knee straight. Do not lean forward or arch your back. Slowly lower back to starting position. Repeat as directed.
Band Walk
Description: Begin with an exercise band looped around your ankles. Keeping your knees slightly bent, step your foot out to the side. Slowly follow with the opposite foot. Make sure to keep your feet pointed forward at all times. Continue as directed
Supine Hamstring Strectch with Belt
Description: Begin in sitting with the knee you intend to stretch straight. Place a belt around your foot and hold on with both hands. Lay back and begin lifting your leg up, keeping your knee straight. Use the belt to provide a comfortable stretch behind the back of your leg and knee. Hold as directed. Repeat as directed.
Prone Quad Stretch with Strap
Description: Lying on your stomach, wrap a strap around your foot and gently pull the strap over your shoulder, bringing your heel towards your buttocks. You should feel a stretch along the front of your thigh. Hold and repeat as directed.
Seated Calf Stretch with Strap
Description: Begin seated with both legs straight out in front of you with your feet and toes pointed up toward the ceiling. Place strap around the sole of your foot and hold other end with both hands. Pull gently towards you until you feel a stretch in your calf. Hold and repeat as directed. Tip: Make sure that your knee is not hyperextending as you perform this stretch. If you do have hyperextension, place a towel roll under your ankle and then perform the same stretch.
Hip Abductor Stretch with Strap
Description: Begin lying on your back holding a belt in one hand with the other end looped around the foot of the leg to be stretched. Use the belt to bring your leg across your body. You should feel a stretch in the outer portion of your hip. Hold as directed. Return to starting position. Repeat as directed.
Supine Heel Slide with Strap
Description: Begin lying on your back with a strap looped around your foot on the affected side. Grasp the strap and pull so your foot moves towards your buttock and your knee bends into a stretch while keeping your heel in contact with the table. Pull until you feel a moderate stretch and stay within a tolerable pain level. Hold for prescribed amount of time then slowly lower back the starting position. Repeat as prescribed. Tip: Be sure to keep your foot and knee in line with your hip.
Supine Hip Flexor Stretch with Strap
Description: Starting Position: Begin standing with a strap or belt in your unaffected hand and over your shoulder. Swing the strap to your affected hand. Movement: Once grasped slowly pull the strap up your back to stretch your affected shoulder. Hold and repeat as prescribed.
Shoulder IR Stretch with Strap
Description: Starting Position: Begin standing with a strap or belt in your unaffected hand and over your shoulder. Swing the strap to your affected hand. Movement: Once grasped slowly pull the strap up your back to stretch your affected shoulder. Hold and repeat as prescribed.
Soleus Stretch with Strap
Description: Starting Position: Begin standing with a strap or belt in your unaffected hand and over your shoulder. Swing the strap to your affected hand. Movement: Once grasped slowly pull the strap up your back to stretch your affected shoulder. Hold and repeat as prescribed.
Self SNAGS Cervical Rotation
Description: Starting Position: Place a towel or stretching strap around your neck. Criss-cross your arms so that your right hand is holding the left strap and the left hand is holding the right strap. Movement: For right rotation, the left arm pulls the towel down towards the chest to stabilize it. The right hand now pulls the towel up (45 degrees) crossing the bridge of the nose. When done properly the towel remains close to the side of the face. The upper right hand should position the towel so that it is close to the eye and keep it there as the movement takes place. To complete the exercise rotation over pressure must be applied at end range.
Shoulder Flexion with Strap
Description: Place a belt or strap at base of neck. Hold the strap with the hand opposite of the strap behind your back and the same arm in front. Apply a gentle pull straight down toward the floor with both hands. Then side bend (ear to shoulder) your neck back and forth slowly going as far as you can. Repeat as prescribed
Hip Abductor Stretch with Strap
Description: Begin lying on your back holding a belt in one hand with the other end looped around the foot of the leg to be stretched. Use the belt to bring your leg across your body. You should feel a stretch in the outer portion of your hip. Hold as directed. Return to starting position. Repeat as directed.
Shoulder IR Stretch with Strap
Description: Starting Position: Begin standing with a strap or belt in your unaffected hand and over your shoulder. Swing the strap to your affected hand. Movement: Once grasped slowly pull the strap up your back to stretch your affected shoulder. Hold and repeat as prescribed.
Quadriceps Mobilization with Roller Stick
Description: Seated in an upright position. Place roller on top of thigh and apply downward pressure as you roll up and down on top of your thigh. Adjust pressure as needed.
Hamstring Mobilization with Roller Stick
Description: Seated in an upright position. Place roller stick underneath your leg and apply upward pressure as you roll up and down the back of your leg. Adjust pressure as needed.
Peroneals Mobilization with Roller Stick
Description: Seated in an upright position. Bend at your waist and place roller stick on the side of your lower leg. Apply pressure as you roll up and down the side of your leg. Adjust pressure as needed.
IT Band Roller
Description: In sitting position. Start at upper region on the outside of the leg. Roll downward toward the knee while remaining on the outside of leg. Do not cross the knee all the way into calf muscle. Apply pressure as tolerated.
Ice on Jaw Open/Close
Description: In sitting position. Place ice pack over outer jaw. Hold and open/close mouth slowly.
Ice on Jaw w/ Deviation
Description: In sitting position. Place ice pack over outer jaw. Push jaw away from In sitting position. Place ice pack over outer jaw. Push jaw away from painful side slowly.ainful side slowly.
Ice on Scalene
Description: In sitting position. Place ice pack between collar bone and muscle. Place pressure at base of lower part of neck. Tilt head away from painful side.
Calf Mobilization with Roller Stick
Description: Seated in an upright position. Bend at your waist and place roller stick on your calf. Apply pressure as you roll up and down the calf. Adjust pressure as needed.
Ball Walkout
Description: Begin by lying on top of a large exercise ball in a pushup position with the ball positioned at your hips. Slowly walk your your hands forwards keeping your belly tight until the ball is at your knees. Walk your hands backwards until the ball is again at your hips. Repeat as directed.
Supine Ball March
Description: Starting Position: Lie down on a physioball (appropriate to your height), walk your feet out until your hips and knees are parallel to the ground and bridge your hips up to a plank. Movement: Tighten the core muscles and lift your leg into a march and slowly lower it down. Make sure that the opposite hip does not drop down as you kick out. Alternate with the other side and maintain level hips.
Hamstring Curl
Description: Begin by lying on back with feet on ball and arms to your side. Raise your hips off the floor by squeezing your buttock muscles. While hips are lifted off the ground, bend knees and use heels to roll ball towards you, straighten your knees to roll the ball away from you then slowly lower back to starting position. Repeat as directed.
Quad Smash
Description: Starting Position: This is a 5-point smash starting at the medial quad and tracing the edge of the lateral quad. Lie on your stomach with a supernova or softball placed on one of the 5-points of contact on your quad. Spend at least 2 minutes per position: 1. Inside of your quad just above the knee 2. Outside of your quad just above the knee on the distal ¼ of the quad 3. Then move the softball approximately ½ way up the thigh. 4. Now move the ball approximately 2/3 up the thigh 5. The ball should now be positioned right below the hip bone. Movement: At each of these 5 locations, alternate between “pressure wave” (rocking side to side) and “tack and floss” (bending and extending the knee). Repeat for sets/reps as recommended by your therapist.
Row Progression
Description: grab one handle and pull up with single arm
Description:Targets upper back, shoulders, bicep and core muscles targets -grasp the handles and step backward till your arms are straight and elbows extended. Your body should look like a reverse plank. Position feet hip distance apart, roll shoulders back and keep locked in place. Hands should be positioned chest width apart. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and pull yourself up with the use of your upper back, arms and shoulders. Keep core engaged throughout movement.
Description: Hold TRX handles with overhand grip and face away from anchor point. Adjust angle of body and body positioning so in standing plank position. Lean forward slowly until your head goes between handles and elbows are flexed. Start extending your arms to their full length. Don't flare elbows and maintain shoulder stability with exercise.
Bridging and Bridging Progression
Description: Lay on the ground facing away from the anchor point with heels in the foot cradles. Feet and knees should be positioned about 6 inches or hip width distance apart. Knees bent and shoulder blades on the ground. Keep knees bent and press heels into the foot cradles while lifting your hips off the ground. Keep the glutes and core engaged.
After getting in the bridge position extend knees out and in for more instability and hamstring engagement.
Lunges Progression
Description: stand facing away from your anchor point with your TRX at about the mid-calf position. Place one foot through both foot cradles and stand with your shoulders positioned over your hips. Bring your knee back, and lower your hips until your front knee is at aprox 90d and your rear knee towards the ground. Return to standing by pushing through the midfoot and heel of your front leg to return to full standing position.
Description: Bend at the knees and slowly push hips back as sitting in a chair. Keep your head and chest up. Core engaged. When parallel to the floor push through legs and return to starting position with knees slightly bent.