
Voted Best Physical Therapy by Fort Worth Star-Telegram


    Maintaining Body Temperature: Avoiding Heat Illness

    Many things start to change as we age. One thing that you would never think of is our ability to regulate our body temperature. Normal internal body temperature is 98.6 F. Our bodies function best in a narrow range of that temperature. Changes in our internal temperature that will respond to changes in weather conditions, exercise, or by other means can have detrimental effects if unable to regulate properly. 

    There are 4 different way that our bodies regulate temperature:

    • Vaporization -> this is achieved when we sweat

    • Radiation -> we release heat into the surrounding air

    • Convection - > body heat decreases when surrounded by cooler air

    • Conduction -> this is when body heat is transferred into adjacent cool water

    Mechanisms set in place to help control our internal body temperature become less effective as we age. For example, our sweat glands become less effective as we age, as well our bodies ability to increase skin blood flow to help cool. This is why it is important to help maintain optimal ranges of our internal temperature and avoid any heat illness. Here are some tips and tricks to avoid overheating this summer and staying safe.

    • Drink cool water or liquids

      • Drinking cool liquids will help decrease body temperature by cooling it internally. Regular intake of water will also prevent dehydration. When you are dehydrated it can increase your internal temperature.

    • Get in cool water 

      • Jumping into a pool, or applying cold water to the body body heat can be reduced by means of conduction. 

    • Apply cold to key points in the body

      • There are deliberate areas of the body that veins run closer to the skin. Such areas are wrist, temples, neck, chest, and armpits. Applying ice or cold water to these areas can lower your core temperature by cooling the blood circulating through your veins.

    • Find a shady area, or go indoors to an air conditioned area

      • When you move into a shaded area or indoor to the AC body heat is reduced by means of convection.

    • Wear light breathable clothing

      • Cotton and polyester will be your best bet. Cotton is a breathable material, and polyester is a popular fabric used in workout gear because it is lightweight and breathable fabric. Heat will pass more easily through these fabrics than other materials

    • Pick a cooler part of day for outdoor fun

      • Mid afternoon is when the sun is at its hottest. Going out in early to mid morning, or later in the day as the sun begins to set will be the most optimal. From noon to 3pm is when the sun is at its highest and you are getting the most direct sunlight.

    • Existing medical conditions

      • Conditions like hypertension, diabetes or Parkinson’s disease make you more susceptible to heat-related injuries and should take extra caution when out in the sun.

    Would You Like To See A Physical Therapist For Free?

    We know that sometimes people want more than just a few tips. That’s why we offer expert advice about the worry and frustration of life-changing aches and pains through a FREE conversation with one of our Physical Therapists.

    Here are a few things you will experience in one of our free Discovery Visits

    1. A Doctor of Physical Therapy will perform a thorough history and examination of your injuries in order to see if Ried Physical Therapy would benefit you.  

    2. You will work 1-on-1 with a physical therapist for your entire visit.  

    3. An assessment of your home, sport, or work environment in order to locate the causes of your pains.

    Our Discovery Visits are great for anyone that may be “unsure” if physical therapy is right for them, and they give you the opportunity to ask questions and see for yourself if we can help you.   

    If you would like to speak with one of our physical therapists about what we can do for you, please contact our office at (817) 380-8077 and ask for a Discovery Visit appointment.

    We’re Here To Help…   

    If you’re in pain and would like to talk to us about getting some help, some specialist advice, or if you are looking for a diagnosis, remember we are always here to help you…. and we’re offering you the chance to have your first session with a physical therapist for FREE (with a discovery visit).   

    If you would like to book a discovery visit, please contact our office at (817) 380-8077 or select the “Get Started” menu option at the top of this webpage.


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